Complaints Handling Procedure
TAS (Trust and Security for All) Network
We are committed to providing the very highest quality of services to all of our clients. If something goes wrong we want you to tell us about it so that we can address the issue with you and resolve the matter to your satisfaction.
We have in place this Complaints Handling Procedure which comes into effect if you have already raised concerns in accordance with our Terms of Business and resolution has not been achieved to your satisfaction.
Our process has two stages. Stage One gives us the opportunity to review and consider your complaint in full. Stage Two gives you the opportunity to have your complaint reviewed by our regulator, TAS Network, directly.
Stage One
We ask that you put your complaint in writing to make sure that we have a full understanding of the reasons for your complaint. Please include:
- Your full name and contact details;
- Details of the Appointment the complaint related to;
- Details of where you feel we failed to act appropriately, including names, dates and specific details; and
- What you hope to achieve as a result of your complaint.
Please send your written complaint to:
Helen Gott
Worth.Legal Limited
Weetwood Hall Estate, Otley Road, Leeds, LS16 5PS
0113 841 3113
Within seven calendar days of receiving your formal complaint in writing, we will send you a written acknowledgement together with a copy of this procedure.
Responsibility for investigating your complaint will be assigned to the member of the firm best placed to carry out the investigation. They will usually review the file and speak to those who carried out the work.
If appropriate, you may be invited to a meeting to discuss and hopefully resolve your complaint. If we propose a meeting you will be contacted within 14 calendar days of the sending of the acknowledgement letter. If a meeting takes place, we write to you within three working days after it takes place confirming what took place and setting out any solutions which were agreed with you.
If we seek to resolve the matter without the meeting, or if you advise you do not wish to attend a meeting, once our investigation is complete we will send you a detailed reply to your complaint. This will include our findings and our suggestions for resolving the matter. We would normally expect to send this response to you within 28 calendar days of sending you the original acknowledgement letter. If, for any reason, we are not able to send you a full response within that period, we will write to you with an update and advise when we do expect to be able to write to you again.
Upon sending you the full response, we hope to achieve resolution through this.
Stage Two
If we are unable to agree on how to resolve your complaint following Stage One then you have the opportunity to take your complaint to the TAS Network (‘TAS’).
TAS defines a complaint as “any expression of dissatisfaction” about a member.
Any reporting of “dissatisfaction” (‘a complaint’) can be made orally or in writing and can be done as follows:
- Telephone: 01778 382791
- E-mail:
- On-line Form:
- Post: Eventus Business Centre, Market Deeping PE6 8FD
Upon receiving a complaint the TAS Management Committee, who have responsibility for ensuring the complaint is thoroughly and fairly investigated, shall determine the validity of the complaint. Your complaint will be acknowledged and you will be advised that a full copy of the same has been sent to us to resolve with you directly. If we are still unable to resolve your complaint at that time, TAS will investigate the same and provide you with a copy of their procedure and timeframes.